We offer the kit without Hypex FusionAmp FA123 !!!
But the setting is delivered free of charge.
Sound Description Sound and Sound 01-2021
Contrary to my usual habits, I didn't load the active monitors with superficially analogue fare, but connected them to the notebook via USB digital/analogue converter. Although the Hypex modules have digital signal inputs via S/PDif or AES connection, I didn't have a suitable control ready at the moment. And from then on I lived with the loudspeakers for quite a while, at a relatively small listening distance and with a likewise reduced base width. Kind of like you would do in a “professional” setup somewhere between near field and a bit beyond. The converters were presented with everything from really bad YouTube fare to high-resolution audiophile music and not only that: speech reproduction was a very important point during all this time. I know that I gave the passive version of the converter an excellent rating in terms of resolution and transparency, but this is a different story:
The Exclusive 8AL Active Monitor really lives up to the term "monitor".
Worlds suddenly open up between the speaker's voices of two YouTube videos and I can say with some certainty whether the "semi-pro" narrating there used one of the popular Rode video microphones or bought it from AliExpress. And whether the audio book reader has just started today's shift or has already completed four hours of his definitely demanding job. That's the domain of this loudspeaker: evaluating timbre, nuances and moods. Bass? does he. More than enough. However, not the rolling, bouncy bass that makes the common hi-fi fan ecstatic. But a pragmatic, accurate bass. Pretty much what you'd expect from a closed construction. What was also noticeable with the passive version: this loudspeaker can easily create convincing spatial illusions. Even if the two boxes are not far apart and you are sitting relatively close in front of them. Certainly, these monitors are actually a bit too big for my desk. Given what they're capable of quieting, though, I'll have to think again.
Holger Barske